Local 445Members Information
MiX 2020 Referral List
Members MUST CALL 1-800-735-1829 to place themselves on the Referral List for work opportunities.
REMEMBER you MUST CALL IN EVERY 30 DAYS to maintain your position on the referral list. Not once a month.
1st time calling in? Your UBC number is your member ID and your initial pin is the last four of your social security number. You will then be prompted to create a new four-digit pin.
MiX 2020 Member Log ON
Members can view their Skills, Work History, Work Areas they selected, and Contact Info. To UPDATE your Work Areas or Skills click the link below. https://eascarpenters.org/carpenter-skills-form/
VERY IMPORTANT – If you update your phone number or email PLEASE REMEMBER to call Local 445’s Office and inform them of your new phone number or email.
Local 445 Observed Holidays
NEPCA Area Holidays: New Year’s Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. If a holiday falls on a Saturday, it is NOT observed on Friday. If a holiday falls on a Sunday (except Easter), it shall be observed on Monday.
KCA Area Holidays: New Year’s Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving Day, the day after Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. If a holiday falls on a Saturday, it will be observed the prior Friday. If a holiday falls on a Sunday (except Easter), it shall be observed on Monday.
Please visit our Council website at https://www.eascarpenters.org for the latest up-to-date information available.
The NEW EASRCC UCAN Mobile App is Here!!!
Get it Now and Start earning UCAN Points. You may be the next winner of a brand new truck.
Click here to download the EASRCC App through the apple store –
Click here to download the EASRCC App through the google store
Once you download the app – Create a secure custom login using your UBC number.
EAS Carpenters Council Member Assistance program (MAP)
We all need a helping hand from time to time. As members of the Eastern Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters, you can apply for assistance through our Member Assistance Program (MAP). Under this program, members can qualify for assistance with dues or costs incurred as a result of a catastrophic event. Click on the link below for additional details.
The Eastern Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters Scholarship Fund
The Eastern Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters Scholarship Fund was created to help union families with paying for college education for their children. Education is what sets union carpenters apart from the rest. Our support of education regardless of what form it takes is an integral part of our union values.
For additional information, eligibility requirements, and to apply click on the link below.
Carpenters Who Care
Carpenters Who Care is a program where carpenters help carpenters who are suffering from addiction. The group was started in 2017 by members of the Eastern Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters who came together to talk about the number of carpenters who have been dying due to the disease of addiction.
Click below for further information.
New Unemployment Filing Requirements
For important information on the new Requirements for filing for Unemployment please go to the Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensation website.

Simply download the UBC Mobile App from your App Store today.